Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009


Relatively to my MIDTERM PROJECT this PROJECT present these improvements:

1- Now the outter shell, the inner shell and the circulation spaces are now connected to form ONE UNIQUE OBJECT = connection inside/outside. I will explain that soon.
2- A Modern theorical geometrical logic is now included:
3- A remeshing recursive (= fractal), non-uniform, remeshing method (catmull-clark) is apply to the whole project to obtain a =>
4- A gradient beetween the sharpened, straight and opaque outside AND the smooth and transparent inside is now performed
5- The structure (piers, beams, apertures, windows) and the aestethic of the building are created by the same method
6- Technically, the butterfly space is enlarged. tempered spaces will be create for them.

That's why I think it's a convincing responce to "the intricate relationship between surface articulation structure and affect" the principal aim of this studio!

But my question is: however, is it a convinging proposition to a XXIth Century architecture???

1 Kommentare:

Blogger Matias del Campo meinte...

Interesting curious for exterior shell, plans etc...

29. Juni 2009 um 03:22  

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