Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009
Montag, 29. Juni 2009
Sonntag, 28. Juni 2009

I have problem with batch rendering. I have set up a camera moving around my building. However, I can only have proper mentalray rendering if I render the current frame of the camera view. Once I use batch rendering, I only result with a bunch of images with black background. and I got and the following error message when I try to tick the checkbox of batch render
// Error: Object's name is not unique: mentalrayBatchRenderLayout
Does anyone have an idea why?
Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009
Claudia. Butterfly House
To develope the project I used to layer, the interior one is a torus's latice that it will be used as a path trhoughout the interior space and as a bar area, and the second layer, a torus as well with an envelope, that eclose the butterflyhouse. The second layer will support the latice layer. I like the conditions that are created by this too layer, from inside the bar has a defined curvilinear enclosure that contrast with the not defined curvilinear shape and remeshing of the butterfly house. My concern right now is about the evelope shape. I like the way it looks like from the main entrace -pic 2 and 7-, however, i don't really like the shape of the shell from the street - pic 3 to 5. If you have any coment please, let me know.

Relatively to my MIDTERM PROJECT this PROJECT present these improvements:
1- Now the outter shell, the inner shell and the circulation spaces are now connected to form ONE UNIQUE OBJECT = connection inside/outside. I will explain that soon.
2- A Modern theorical geometrical logic is now included:
3- A remeshing recursive (= fractal), non-uniform, remeshing method (catmull-clark) is apply to the whole project to obtain a =>
4- A gradient beetween the sharpened, straight and opaque outside AND the smooth and transparent inside is now performed
5- The structure (piers, beams, apertures, windows) and the aestethic of the building are created by the same method
6- Technically, the butterfly space is enlarged. tempered spaces will be create for them.
That's why I think it's a convincing responce to "the intricate relationship between surface articulation structure and affect" the principal aim of this studio!
But my question is: however, is it a convinging proposition to a XXIth Century architecture???
Dienstag, 23. Juni 2009
PART3: Catmull-Clark as a surface pattern
PART4: Application of Catmull-Clark Method to my project.
contain only the smoothing remeshing part.
the drawing pattern (see in the PART3) will follow.
PART4: Application of Catmull-Clark Method to my project.
contain only the smoothing remeshing part.
the drawing pattern (see in the PART3) will follow.
Montag, 22. Juni 2009
You will find there my conlusions about my catmull-clark subdivision surface analysis.
The Second Part "application to my project" will follow soon.
Have a good night.
Comments: The most important part (application) is still missing
The Second Part "application to my project" will follow soon.
Have a good night.
Comments: The most important part (application) is still missing
Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009
Freitag, 19. Juni 2009
Alice_Surface Grammar_refining
My main goal before the final is to deform the modular system of QC structure and address the sensibility as being contemporary architecture.
I have two main tasks
1. simplify the composition of the cubes in different scales according to the functional needs so that spaces are clearly defined, and not just intersecting each other without control. Therefore, I took away those cubes that are not useful or in chaotic situations.
Right now, the butterfly house is in between the inner and outer skin. Within the inner skin, spaces in different sizes are used for exhibition room, restaurant, entrance and dark spaces.
2. make apertures.
In the first attempt (1st & 2nd images), I treated each surface a bit more individually, and the idea was to strengthen the different directions of QC cubes, but the overall pattern doesn't have gradual change and looks rather fragmented.
In the second attempt (3rd - 8th images), I tested with part of the outer skin (highlighted portion) more as a whole....which means the apertures change from large at the entrance point to small at the other end which inner side of the skin is actually connected to the inner path. I will follow this approach to make apertures with other part of the skins. However, I think the pattern right now is still a bit too regular, expectable....and somehow still lacks elegancy and surprise. I am trying to see if I can loose it up more and more...
Outer skin

Inter skin