Alice_Excursion Itinerary
Hi, everybody! I guess it's better to make use of the blog!
This is just an initial attempt for organizing the excursion trip, so nothing is absolute! I am collecting flight schedule and accommodation information from everyone (please write me back if it needs to be updated). Later on, I'll add contact method of each one, so that we know how to find each other over there since we will arrive on different dates and stay at different places.
It's also a reference for everyone to have a brief idea what you can see in Barcelona. It's would be great if you have more interesting spots and we can exchange ideas. Zaragoza is another city west of Barcelona, which held an Expo last year. I may go for a day if it works out, welcome to join me.
I suggest meeting on Tuesday 3pm (as Monday is still holiday) at the studio to discuss more in detail and other arrangements. Besides, in case anyone has questions about Topmod and Maya. We can talk and help each other out. Please leave your comment no matter you can come or not.
Happy Easter. alice

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